Become a GORP Guide
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“I would recommend this course to others, for their own development and for strengthening the [guiding] industry.”
- Professional Guide about the GORP Guide Training Program
Adventure travel is an extremely diverse and expanding industry, making guiding and outfitting competitive. GORP Training will help set you above your competitors.
The GORP program provides a means for guides to stay current with industry trends through continuing education opportunities.
The content is aligned with the international voluntary best practice standards compiled by guide businesses with the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA).
GORP Guide Training Program
GORP is for experienced guides and their employees as well as those who are just getting started in the guiding business.
Complete multiple GORP program courses online from home on your own schedule. During COVID the courses in the GORP Program are offered free of charge.
A full GORP Certification includes four courses representing four regional scales of content in the GORP Program. We continue to develop region specific courses. Our current offerings and schedule are provided below.
Click Below for Registration
GORP for SOUTH CAROLINA is 4 courses: Global, United States, South Carolina, Coastal South Carolina
GORP for WISCONSIN is 4 courses: Global, United States, Wisconsin, Coastal Wisconsin
Other GORP Packages
GORP GLOBAL & US Global with the option to complete United States.
The Global Course is appropriate for any country. The US Course is appropriate for any US State.
GORP Global with option for GORP United States.
GORP for 4-H is 2 courses: Global, United States. Youth only course (this course only shows as a selection if you are registering a minor). Content is appropriate for all states.
GORP Program Structure
The online program is organized into four regional courses: Global, National, State, and Local. These courses can be taken independently but full certification requires completion of four regional courses. Training on specialty topics with live workshops are encouraged and are intended to be a component of on-going GORP Guide Training.
Workshops and webinars are open to all the public.
Global Course
This content addresses topics any guide would use. It is available in English and Spanish and anyone in the world can take the course. This is 1 of a 4 course program.
​Global course content is useful business information for all guides, anywhere; content includes group management, customer service, sustainability, marketing, personal interpretation skills, and basic terrestrial and marine ecology & more.
National Course
Currently United States is available. Anyone can take the course. This is 1 of a 4 course program.
National courses provide national symbols key economics, agencies, and natural feature information.
State Course
State/Territory/Province specific content. See List of currently available courses. This is 1 of a 4 course program.
State courses provide state symbols, key economics, agencies, and natural feature information.
​Local Region Course
Generally defined by Tourism region within a state. Courses can be developed for specific regions within each state. This is 1 of a 4 course program.
Local region course content includes identification of 101 local species of plants and animals, knowledge of local history, natural resource agencies, natural features, towns, and tourism organizations etc.
Guides are Important to Communities
Guides, Tour Operators and Outfitters, your services are a key component of the tourism & outdoor recreation industry. In 2018, tourism in the state of Oregon was a $12.3 billion industry!
Your business provides a valuable contribution to the local economy, the environment, and community social well being!
Help your guests to better understand your value
to our communities and to develop their passion for the outdoors!
​​WHAT: GORP is a training program developed to help market guides as professionals and raise the value of guide services to the public.
The program content is organized into four regions: Local, State, National, & Global.
The content provides a broad range of knowledge and skills including identification of 101 local species of plants and animals, knowledge of local history, natural resource agencies, tourism organizations, and economic impact, group management, customer service, sustainability, marketing, personal interpretation skills, and more.
Explore a new way of learning and training with the GORP Guide Program.
This program supports any existing training and blends online knowledge courses with live skills training. The four core online courses are designed to allow easy customization to any location.
The program was developed for and by guides in collaboration with University Extension faculty and tourism industry destination marketing and management organizations.
​WHY: The main reason to complete the GORP program is to expand your knowledge and be recognized for your professional knowledge and skills.
Recognition in the GORP program differentiates professional guides from less-skilled, less trained, non-professionals.
Those that complete the GORP program will be awarded a certification and a package of marketing benefits including; GORP branded shirt, GORP logo vinyl for boat/truck, special listing on the OCVA web site, and other online marketing services. Lastly, the program format is flexible.
There is no required days or times each week to complete your coursework. You decide where to fit it into your work schedule.

Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.