Recorded Webinars
Recorded Webinars and links to other resources are provided here.
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Fact Sheet PDF's
101 Plant and Animal Species of Coastal Oregon Interpretive information to share with your guests!
Recorded Events
Improving COHO Populations - Estuary Restoration
September 30, 2020. Steve Denney was the Project Coordinator for what was the largest estuary restoration project on the west coast - the Winter Lake and China Camp Creek Restoration. It is located at the Winter Lakes area near Coquille, Oregon. This project was a cooperative project with over 20 funding partners and is an example of a Working Landscapes project which produces benefits to the agricultural landowners and natural resources as well as the general public. It will have significant positive impacts on the Coquille Basin Coho Salmon population while improving waterfowl habitat and grazing production for livestock. The 10 year project cost more than $10 million dollars and delivered benefits including the installation of restored waterways and seven new tide gates with innovative design and management practices. It has already has served as a model for similar projects. This restoration project balanced the needs of its stakeholders for a win-win result.
WEBINAR Gray Whales Off The Oregon Coast 28 minutes. June 30, 2020. Presentation of certificates to graduates of Spring Session of GORP Guide Training Program. Guest Speaker: Era Horton, Naturalist with the Oregon Chapter of the American Cetacean Society and the Oregon State Parks - Whale Watching Spoken Here. Era is a local volunteer specializing in whale watching. In this webinar, he presents decades of knowledge and experience watching whales migrate off the Oregon Coast. As an interpretive guide, Era shares our whales with visitors. Era showed us 'tell-tail' markings, literally, which can be used to identify several whales commonly seen off our shores and up and down the entire west coast; as well as the physical features used to ID gray whales and some of their characteristic behaviors.
WEBINAR Fishing Regulations Q&A with OSP Fish & Wildlife and OSMB 53 minutes. April 7, 2020. Presentation of certificates to graduates of winter 2020 session of GORP Guide Training Program by Miles Phillips. Guest Panel: Sergeant Todd Thompson and Sr Tpr Heather Van Meter from Oregon State Police-Marine Fisheries Team in Newport, and Cyndi Bolduc, Outfitter/Guides Program Coordinator with Oregon State Marine Board. This webinar was a Q&A session between law enforcement and outdoor recreation guides to clarify understanding around marine fishing regulations. A variety of topics were discussed including; law enforcement patrol and investigations; licensing requirements for guides vs. charters; and Oregon licensing vs. California and Washington; guided business and Covid19; tag limits and client transfer; using restricted species as bait and how that calculates into the daily tag limit; for clarification on region specific topics contact the local game trooper in your area.
WEBINAR on Talking with Your Guests - Tips on Creating Special Value in Your Services. 33 minutes. March 10, 2020. Miles Phillips is trained as an interpretation skills instructor. In this webinar, Miles provides information on how to share your knowledge with your guests in an effective and engaging way. Interpretation provides details to facts through a story that connects guests to their own memories and to new exploration. Guests want and need a connection to the outdoors, and when guides provide an effective story-line they add value to guests' experience. Guides with engaging interpretive skills can demand higher prices and can expect more return and referral business.
WEBINAR on Facebook & Instagram Marketing for Guides, Part 2. 49 minutes. February 18, 2020. Paul Clem from YakSocial, pclem@yaksocial.com.
This is Part 2 of Paul's presentation on social media marketing. In this webinar, Paul presents key marketing techniques on Facebook and Instagram that guides can use to drive people to your business. He talks about placing your ad on newsfeeds and other spots. He walks our viewers through the website viewer analytics page in Facebook's business manager's account. He outlines paths to reaching "cold" and "warm" audiences, and defines "look-alikes." Paul talks about methods to track audience behavior on your site and use that knowledge to drive marketing approaches.
WEBINAR on Facebook & Instagram Marketing for Guides, Part 1. 54 minutes. February 11, 2020. Paul Clem from Yak Social, pclem@yaksocial.com.
Paul introduces integrating Facebook & Instagram as an important piece in marketing your business. Paul explains how to engage viewers and promote their sharing of your great services and develop content that promotes sales. Paul presents more about this topic in his second webinar.
WEBINAR on Salmon Biology & Populations along Oregon Coast. 38 minutes. February 4, 2020. Gary Vonderohe of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife presents key facts about trout, steelhead, coho, and chinook species found along the Oregon Coast. In this 1-hour webinar, Gary shares facts about these fish including identifying features, life cycle, migration patterns, and current population.
WEBINAR on Survey of Online Marketing Success and Pricing for Oregon Coast Fishing Guides and Tour Operators 2019 15 minutes. Results of applied research by Oregon State University Extension examining the locations, numbers, types and pricing of guided outdoor recreation experiences along the Oregon Coast. This study address charter salmon fishing, kayaking, and whale watching and describes market prices and aspects of relative effectiveness of these businesses in online marketing. This is a companion report to “Assessment of Registered Oregon Coast Outfitters and Guides.” CLICK HERE to view 2019 Marketing Summary
WEBINAR on Risk Management 31 minutes. June 10, 2019. Our guest speaker for Liability Insurance is Leslie K. Frazee CIC, CRM. Leslie is the Vice President for Commercial Lines at CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc. | Adventure Sports Insurance in Lewiston, Idaho.
WEBINAR on How to Fill a Survival Go Bag. 17 minutes. June 2019 Our guest speaker is Oregon State University Extension's Frank Burris. Frank is the Watershed Management Extension Agent for OSU serving Coos and Curry Counties in Oregon. He is also a trainer for Winter and Summer Wilderness Survival. Frank is an active member of the Curry County Search and Rescue Team.